Meeting together again – from 21 June

We are excited to be preparing to meet in person again! While social distancing is necessary, we will split both congregations into two. Note that the morning service(s) will continue to be at 9:30am, not 9am.

9:30am will have one service upstairs and one service downstairs; with a combined kid’s program in the creche room.

5pm will have one service upstairs and one service at the Rob Baddock Community Centre (300m up the road); with a combined kid’s program in the downstairs hall at the church building.

We will allocate everyone to a regular service time and location. Children will be checked into their programs before the services begin. 

Please let us know if:

You do not plan to attend a physical meeting for at least the next 3-4 weeks;

You would like to attend a different service time than what you usually attend (i.e. move from 5pm to 9:30am or vice versa);

(For 5pm) You wouldn’t feel comfortable having your children in Sunday School at the church building while attending a service up the road at the Rob Baddock Community Centre (300m away);

You are willing to help with set up / pack up / cleaning, as required.

Kind regards,